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Title:《家庭酿酒 Family brewery》 No.A00573
Title:《凤凰古镇月亮桥 The Moon Bridge in Fenghuang》 No.A00574
Title:《晚课结束的时刻 Evening Chant is over》 No.A00575
Title:《新茶飘香 Fragrance of Fresh Tea》 No.A00598
Title:《茶香悠悠 Scent of tea》 No.A00596
Title:《云海日出 Sunrise over the clouds》 No.A00595
Title:《乡村振兴新面貌 New countryside with revitalization》 No.A00594
Title:《赏灯 Enjoy beautiful lanterns》 No.A00599
Title:《护航 Escorting》 No.A00583
Title:《火烈鸟的天堂 The paradise of flamingos》 No.A00581
Title:《穿越千年时空 Through thousand years》 No.A00580
Title:《捕捉鹿影 Elks in the Mist》 No.A00582
Title:《齐心协力 Efforts in one direction》 No.A00576
Title:《袅袅炊烟 Smoke curling up》 No.A00577
Title:《枯竭的泪水 Tears drying up》 No.A00578
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